It was costructed on 1887 in Bogotà by an italian actor named Francisco Zenardo, in 1890 an Italian copani of opera named Azzali inagurated the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan theater, with a roll play named El Trovador.
In 1952 the currently president of that time named Laureano Gomez ask to demolish the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan theater, cause politics and national security.
In 2000 after a complit reconstruction, these theater convert into the "Centro Cultural Teatro Municipal Jorge Eliecer Gaitan. since this year the theater is exposed to the publish with the principal stage (escenario), with an exposition hallway in which is exposed pictures and photographies and with a "teatrino".
The Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Theater is located on the carrera 7 # 22-47.

It is a beautiful structure ubicated on the historical center of Bogotá that had developed different functions.
At first it was constructed on 1655 for religious functions, then militarily and scholastic functions, but now a days it is a theater with a capacity of 500 people, beeing one of the most prestige places and theaters of colombia.
The compañi of these theater as created on 1989 by a director named Pawel Nowicki. The theater is ubicated on the street "Triunfo" carrera , between 8 and 9 streets, in the famous neighborhood named la candelaria in Bogotá.

It was well founded on 1966 by a group of artists and intellectuals independent people, this group started on a shed in the 20 street named "casa de la cultura" on that place their were function like 2 years.
Between 1966 and 1970 different groups from European schools, from latino american schools and many others, start to connstruct and to did different adaptations to places for do theater in Bogotá and Cali.
In 1968 la casa de la cultura take place on one of these structures modificated by the theaters schools on the neighborhood candelaria in Bogotá and they change their name to the most known "teatro de la candelaria".
It is ubicated on the 12 street # 2-59.

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